
Digital Literacy - Smartphones for Seniors Project for Trocaire College

Company: Information Technology Instructor – Trocaire College

I was asked if I would be interested in training and developing a training curriculum for a 5 session class on smartphones for seniors as a paid hire for Trocaire College as a starting point to being a part-time Information Technology Instructor. The focus was on several key areas including basic use, safety and security, social communications and overcoming a basic fear of technology. I set forth outlining my ideas in Trello, an online collaboration and idea development tool and from there began working in powerpoint planning out each session with visually engaging slides and as minimal a text as I thought I could get away with. I also wanted to develop supplemental handout material that challenged students to use the skills they learned to navigate the web and follow QR codes by using their camera to gain refresher resources on topics we covered in class. I used Affinity Published to created a tri-fold brochure for classroom handouts. I am eager to gain classroom feedback in the coming weeks and improve the class in the hopes that future classes can be added. Trello Website Screenshot Powerpoint Screenshot Affinity Publisher Screenshot